Danny Frede
KölnÜber Mich
Geboren (1982) in Sondershausen in Thüringen, ist Danny Frede Fotografierer und Künstler. 2000 kommt er als Zivildienstleistender nach Köln und vergisst anschließend zu studieren. Als Freelancer arbeitet er in den Bereichen Fotografie und Grafik, als freier Künstler beschäftigt er sich in der urbanen Peripherie mit der Übersetzung traditioneller Konzepte von Malerei in die immer mehr von digitalen Prozessen geprägten Sichtweisen des Alltags.
Danny Frede was born in 1982 in Sondersausen (Thuringia/ Germany) and is an autodidactic photographer and artist. Danny considers his gap year in Co...Weiterlesenlogne as a community servant in 2000 a success in spite of having forgotten to go to college afterwards. Danny works as a freelancer in the areas of photography and Graphics. His art work inside the urban periphery deals with the translation of traditional concepts of painting into the views of everyday life that have been increasingly influenced by digital processes.
Danny Frede was born in 1982 in Sondersausen (Thuringia/ Germany) and is an autodidactic photographer and artist. Danny considers his gap year in Co...Weiterlesenlogne as a community servant in 2000 a success in spite of having forgotten to go to college afterwards. Danny works as a freelancer in the areas of photography and Graphics. His art work inside the urban periphery deals with the translation of traditional concepts of painting into the views of everyday life that have been increasingly influenced by digital processes.